Saturday, October 15, 2011

P-Burg Day 2

October 5, 2011
P-Burg day 2
I woke up this morning and Shelby was making french toast. It was pretty good. I made coffee, and promptly left it sitting on the table since I was rushing around getting reading for the day. I'm sitting in Mr. P's room, writing because I don't have any students until 1:00, and Mr. Pevoar is out turning an evaluation in. I was fine until like 11, and then I started yawning. I really wish I'd had coffee. Mike and I had a competition going to see which one of us would forget to put something away first, (just started yesterday lol), and I think I just lost. O well. I really don't care.

I had my first graders today, but one was sick so not there, and Mr. P didn't have time to email me the stories so he's been reading them to me before I work with the kids. I asked him about making a phonics book for the kids, so I can use the cricket machine and laminator and such that I need to use for third year field experience. We have to choose 5 pieces of technology and learn how to use them so we know how for later in our careers, so I want to use it for that project as well as phonics. I'm having trouble coming up with ideas though. I don't have any really funny quotes this time, but here's what I do have:
random kid: Mrs. B (bus said full name), I'm your favorite teacher.
Mrs. B: Your manyy favorite teacher?
Kid: Yeah. (I'm not sure the kid even realized what she said haha!)
Mr. P: What do you think a digraph is?
Luke D: Um, a kind of animal?
(FYI, a digraph is two consonants put together that make a different sound than either consonant. Example: ph, this, shall etc.)
1:00 pm I'm bored. Luckily, my final student will be coming back in pretty soon, although I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing with him at this point since I have no materials... 2:30 pm I ended up working on math with Mason, and then, (since Mr. P was trying to help the Para with the little boy who has autism), listening to justin, (J-Monkey), and Ben S. Then Mr. P started using comprehention cards with them. They have different topics dealing with reading/vocabulary/-prehention and questions with them. It was cool. Not much else to tell. but i'm posting "Kid quotes," as well so that is fun.

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